Kindergarten Handbook


Kindergarten Hours
8:10 – 2:50

Children may be dropped off at school starting at 7:50 am. At this point students have the option of second chance breakfast or playing on the playground until 8:10 am. At this time the students will line up and be walked down to their classrooms.

Regular attendance is essential for a successful school year. Students are expected to attend school unless they are sick or there is a family emergency. If your child is not going to be at school please call 626-2480 to inform us of us of your child’s absence. If your child is going to be out of school for a few days and you know in advance, please notify us a few days in advance so work can be sent home.

Cafeteria Money
If you would like your child to have lunch served by the school you may create an account on You will be notified when the account runs out of money so you may add more.
Children have the option of eating breakfast at home, purchasing breakfast at school (served shortly after 7:50 am), or purchasing a second chance breakfast that will come around to each classroom at approximately 9:30 am. Breakfast purchases are taken out of your child’s account.

Please send your child to school with a healthy snack and drink each day. The school provides a healthy snack in the morning that is an option for your child to have. During our morning snack time the children have a choice of eating their purchased second chance breakfast or the school’s healthy snack. There will also be a short snack time in the afternoon. Please pack a healthy snack for your child for this time. If you would not like your child to have the second chance breakfast or school provided healthy snack please pack two separate snacks each day.
A lunch menu will go home each month. The lunch will be deducted from your child’s lunch account.

Home/School Folder
Your child has a red “home-to-school” folder. This folder needs to come to school each day. Papers your child does in school will be sent home in the folder as well as school and class notes. If you have things to be sent back to school, please use the folder and your child will learn to be responsible and unpack it each day.

Birthday Celebrations
If your child celebrates a birthday during the school year and would like to bring a special treat such as pencils or erasers to share with the class we would be happy to accommodate you. Due to food allergies, we ask that you do not send in any food items. We will gladly hand out cards if you are having a home birthday party but we only hand them out if there is one for each child in the class.

During the kindergarten year your child will be working in the areas of literacy, math, science, and social studies.
Literacy: We will be working on social skills, making meaning of reading, phonemic awareness, reading skills, and writing. Children will learn through games, stories, individual books, small and large group activities, and socialization with peers reflecting on material.
Math: Kinders will be working on understanding numbers, patterns, shapes, word problems, adding, subtracting, subitizing, telling time, and using money. We will be using the SmartBoard, manipulatives, books, work mats, and charts during our math instruction.
Science: We will be exploring weather, what science is, matter, and energy. We will spend time exploring our environment and utilizing the outdoors as our classroom.
Social Studies: Topics include our classroom as a community, celebrations and traditions, geography, mapping, and learning about our community of Augusta.
Health: Kinders will explore social-emotional topics, safety, and personal health. We will learn about adults who can help in emergencies, stranger danger, healthy foods, exercise and sleep, and interacting with others.
Technology: We will be using computers in the classroom once a week. Students will learn how to navigate the school computers and be able to understand basic functions and safe/appropriate computer use.

The students will have specials each week. The following specialists will see your child once a week. A schedule will go home at the beginning of the year. For safety reasons, please make sure that your child has sneakers for gym days.
Monday - Library (Mrs. Reppucci)
Tuesday – Computers
Wednesday – Art (Ms. Sabine)
Thursday – Music (Mr. Paquette)
Friday – P.E. (Mr. Andreasen)

Show and Tell Bag
Each week one student will be given the show and tell bag. This bag is brought home and your child finds something they would like to share with the class the following day. Make sure the item fits inside the bag. Please do not send fragile items to school.

We ask that you please keep toys at home. We do not want toys to be a distraction, get lost, or get broken. If your child is bringing a toy for an after school activity we ask that they stay in their backpack during the school day.

Dismissal begins at 2:40 pm. If your child is riding on a bus he/she will be walked to their bus at the end of the day. You will also be able to pick up your child by car or outside the school if you are walking. There is also an after care program for students at the elementary school. If you need to change the way your child is going to be dismissed please send in a note with your child on that day or send an e-mail. Also, please be sure your child knows how he/she will be getting home. For safety reasons, we must send your child home the usual way, unless the school has been told differently.

Kindergarten Behavior
As you know, good behavior and learning go hand in hand. Simple class manners have been established to ensure your child experiences a positive and safe learning environment.
1.    If a child has difficulty following our class manners or directions, he/she is given a verbal reminder about correct behavior.
2.    If the child continues to have difficulty with manners or directions he/she will be asked to take a break at their table for a short time to think about his/her actions and see peers model desired behaviors.
3.    After three reminders your child will receive a “blue sad face” that will go home in their red folder. The sad face will tell you what your child had difficulty with that day. Please review the sad face with your child and discuss what can be done to improve those behaviors.

Good behaviors are also very important in the kindergarten classroom. If your child does something that shows good examples to his/her peers they will receive a recognition award. This award states the good behaviors your child showed that day. Please encourage your child when they are given a recognition award! J

A newsletter will be sent home each Monday explaining what the children will be learning that week, the specials schedule, reminders, and special events. The class blog will also be updated regularly. Please make sure to read the newsletters and follow the blog to stay updated!
If you have any questions during the school year please feel free to ask at drop off or pick up. You can also call the school or e-mail me.

Report Cards/Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for the fall and the spring. The first conferences will be schedule for mid-October. If you have any concerns or questions you may also schedule a conference any time by contacting me. Report cards go out at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester. Report cards will either be sent home or given during your parent teacher conference.

Winter Play Outdoors
Kindergarten children will go outside to play each day if the weather permits. We will go outside in the snow, please have your child prepared for outdoor winter play. Each child should come to school with the following winter clothes to play in:
Snow pants
Gloves or mittens

The students will be encouraged to put on their clothing independently. Help will be provided if necessary but we do ask that you teach and encourage your child independent winter dress to make this time more smooth and efficient.

Thank you J