Our First Few Weeks!
Kindergarten is underway and the kiddos have been doing all sorts of activities! We are learning kindergarten routines such as morning meeting, washing hands before snack and lunch, quiet boxes, rug and work expectations, and the kiddos made a poster for class behavior goals as well. They chose:
1. Eyes and ears on the speaker
2. Sitting in our own square on the rug
3. Walking feet in school
4. Quiet voices
5. Cleaning up our activities and putting them back
6. Keep our hands to ourselves
7. School appropriate play and words
8. Please do something the first time
9. Raise your hand
They students really liked being able to create their own expectations and contribute to our class.
We have started our reading program and the students are listening to stories and discussing them with their class partners. We are also adding to our alphabet song each day - giving each letter and letter sound a movement.
We have practiced counting and writing numbers to 5. Some numbers are incredibly tricky to write but I am so proud of their hard work when they try! Our number rhymes are as follows:
1. A straight line down, makes a 1 a lot of fun.
2. Around the bend and straight to you, makes the number 2.
3. Around the tree, around the tree, makes a number 3.
4. Half way down, then turn right - a tall straight stick and a 4's
in sight.
5. Go down and around and then you stop! Finish your 5 with a
line on top.
We have practiced righting on paper, whiteboards, and using our fingers in the air.
Writing is also underway! The students have been creating stories and I see some kiddos including letters and even labeling their picture already with letter sounds! They have such creative minds and I am excited to see where they continue to go during writing time.
The students are doing great so far and I can't wait to see them continue to learn and grow!